

Growing Role of Finance Analytics in Banking

Growing Role of Finance Analytics in Banking With the rapid development of digital technology, banks have started to implement business analytics to automate their business processes, maintain customer satisfaction, and drive revenue. If ever there’s been a sector where a

| 21 May 2018
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The Growing Value of Finance Analytics

Growing Value of Finance Analytics Since data science went mainstream, financial institutions (FI), including banks have started adopting it, or should one say, adapting to it. Read all about the growing value of analytics in finance and in the financial market. Where fina

| 08 May 2018
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Data Translators: Why are They Important in Analytics

This new breed of professionals are becoming crucial in ensuring that decisions in an organization that has deployed data analytics are really based on the analysis. Many organizations are today investing not only in data scientists who understand how to analyze data, but also in data translators who can help the analytics team and the business end users work in sync.

| 25 Mar 2018
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The Role of Digital Marketers in Mobile Data Analytics

Over the last few years, research after research has shown that marketers have started putting mobile, apps as well as mobile-friendly websites, at the forefront of their integrated marketing strategy. While new research has only underlined the importance of mobile devices in a marketing campaign, what was unexpected was that even on matters of marketing, IT teams seemed to have a leg up over their marketing counterparts.

| 11 Mar 2018
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Healthcare Analytics: Build-Versus-Buy Quandary A Hurdle

The most obvious thing for any Health Care Organization to do is to develop in-house infrastructure to manage its healthcare data. That’s simpler said than done, though. Setting up an Enterprise-grade data warehouse not only involves additional hires, there’s some amount of capital expenditure as well as operational costs involved.

| 23 Feb 2018
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A Simple Guide to Outsourcing Data Analytics in Healthcare

The global healthcare industry, more than any other, suffers from  the “data rich but information poor” syndrome. While it finds itself on the brink of a major makeover with the advent of Big Data and analytics, it lags considerably compared to other industries. Many researchers have raised this red flag.

| 12 Feb 2018
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How Natural Language Processing is Helping Democratize Business Intelligence

A minuscule percentage of those in the business of providing BI solutions have adopted NLP and adapted it to generate results for Enterprise clients. While the figure may be small today, advancements in the field are bound to push the number up.

| 29 Jan 2018
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The State Of Natural Language Processing Today

Readers of this blog may have realized that Natural Language Processing (NLP) was missing from our ‘5 Data Analytical Trends To Watch For in 2018’ post. Our in-house team of predictive data analysts say it lost out to the other trends by a narrow margin. But that in no way takes away from the importance of NLP and its growing influence in the world of big data analytics. The loser by a whisker surely deserves an honorable mention, hence this 2-part post.

| 11 Jan 2018
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5 data analytics trends to watch out for in 2018 – A slideshow

2017 has been an eventful year for Big Data and data analytics. So what can we look forward to in the new year?

| 25 Dec 2017
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