

Hemant Warudkar

The Growing Value of Finance Analytics

Analytics Solutions

Growing Value of Finance Analytics Since data science went mainstream, financial institutions (FI), including banks

| 08 May 2018

Data Translators: Why are They Important in Analytics


This new breed of professionals are becoming crucial in ensuring that decisions in an organization

| 25 Mar 2018

The Role of Digital Marketers in Mobile Data Analytics

Marketing Analytics

Over the last few years, research after research has shown that marketers have started putting

| 11 Mar 2018

Healthcare Analytics: Build-Versus-Buy Quandary A Hurdle


The most obvious thing for any Health Care Organization to do is to develop in-house

| 23 Feb 2018

A Simple Guide to Outsourcing Data Analytics in Healthcare


The global healthcare industry, more than any other, suffers from  the “data rich but information

| 12 Feb 2018

How Natural Language Processing is Helping Democratize Business Intelligence

AI in Marketing

A minuscule percentage of those in the business of providing BI solutions have adopted NLP

| 29 Jan 2018

The State Of Natural Language Processing Today

AI in Marketing

Readers of this blog may have realized that Natural Language Processing (NLP) was missing from

| 11 Jan 2018

5 data analytics trends to watch out for in 2018 – A slideshow


2017 has been an eventful year for Big Data and data analytics. So what can

| 25 Dec 2017

Fashion, Weather and Predictive Analytics


Wondering how the words, fashion, weather, and predictive analytics are connected (fashion weather and predictive

| 22 Dec 2017