

Hemant Warudkar

Human Behavior Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques

AI in Marketing

Customers leave behind an incomprehensible amount of data while they go about shopping. Making sense

| 13 Dec 2017

From Data To Decision: Why Companies Fail to Benefit from Such A Long Journey


Can you name that one big challenge that businesses which have deployed data analytics face?

| 19 Nov 2017

Building an effective What-If Analysis Model

AI in Marketing

Data analytics need not stop at just looking in the rear-view mirror. 'What-If' analysis offers

| 02 Nov 2017

Top 3 Reasons Why Data Governance Strategies Fail


Top 3 reasons why Data Governance strategies fail? As far as organizational strategy goes, the

| 29 Sep 2017

Deploy Marketing Analytics for a Nimble, Fast Acting Organization

Marketing Analytics

Deploy Marketing Analytics for a Nimble, Fast Acting Organization Two things are a must for

| 28 Sep 2017

How Menu Engineering can Push Up A Restaurant’s Profits

Analytics Solutions

How Menu Engineering can Push Up A Restaurant’s Profits In the first part of this blog post,

| 13 Sep 2017

Data Analytics Enriches A Customer’s Gastronomical Experience

Analytics Solutions

How Big Data Analytics is Boosting the Food Industry? Big Data and its analysis have

| 03 Sep 2017

Chatbots and Customer Analytics

Customer Analytics

As we did read in the first part of this blog post, the chatbot space is

| 20 Aug 2017

Using Chatbots to Really Understand Your Customer

AI in Marketing

Using Chatbots to Really Understand Your Customer: Chatbot Customer Journey Using chatbots do you really

| 08 Aug 2017