

Hemant Warudkar

What is a Recommendation Engine and How it Works?

Content Type

What is a Recommendation Engine and How it Works? In today’s digital world, a recommendation

| 24 Apr 2019

Your Guide in Selecting the Right CDP

Content Type

How to choose CDP | Selecting the Right CDP Platform Software for your business It’s

| 11 Apr 2019

Machine Learning In Data Analytics: How It Works For Your Business?

AI in Marketing

Machine Learning in Data Analytics: How It Works for Your Business? In this post, we

| 21 Mar 2019

How Artificial Intelligence Turns Data into Useful Information

AI in Marketing

How Artificial Intelligence turns data into useful information? We are often asked – explain AI

| 10 Mar 2019

Why are Recommendation Engines Becoming Popular?


Why are Recommendation Engines Becoming Popular? In the first part of this blog, we read

| 25 Feb 2019

Retailers: Better Market Basket Analysis will Keep You ahead of Competition


“It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling

| 08 Feb 2019

Using Artificial intelligence to Sense Buyer Intent

Customer Analytics

Using Artificial intelligence to Sense Buyer Intent – Customer Intent AI Some months ago,

| 28 Dec 2018

Why are Granular Customer Data Important for Banks


Without a doubt, data analytics is altering the traditional banking system. In fact, it would

| 22 Nov 2018

Trends in Retail: The Move from Predictive to Prescriptive Analytics


Why is Retail Moving from Predictive to Prescriptive Analytics? A larger trend seen in the

| 24 Oct 2018