Business Intelligence Analytics Services

Ad Hoc Analytics And Data Visualization Services

Express Analytics provides self service ad adhoc analytics and data visualization platform as a service to help business decision makers create reports on their own without having to depend on their IT teams. This saves them upfront investments. Our ‘Self Service Data Visual Discovery Platform’ enables business users to visualize data to get insights that help in decision making.

Some of the other features provided by the adhoc analytics and data visualization platform include slicing and dicing of data at any level, getting data-backed answers to any kind of business questions, and a flexible, point and click interface that allows end users to create visually appealing dashboards.

Mobile Business Intelligence

We realize that enterprises today are under pressure to take faster decisions, almost in real-time. This shift in the decision-making process is also fueled by the proliferation of internet-enabled mobile devices. But smartphones do not offer the luxury of display as that of desktops.

Express Analytics helps navigate this hurdle by integrating mobile BI functions into the operational business processes within organizations. This gives decision makers the ability to access BI-related data such dashboards on their mobile computing screens.

Use data and business analytics to drive your business intelligence

Putting out actionable information across devices for rapid decisions

    From the blog

    Next generation of business intelligence is here

    Business Intelligence (BI) has taken rapid strides from the time it came into being in the ‘80s. Traditional BI platforms were high-cost and time-intensive. They were also largely dependent, almost, always on the IT cell.

    Over the decades BI has undergone a few iterations. The BI you see today is a far cry from its avatar of about 50 years ago.


    Why Us?

    The EA suite of software and services help transform data into actionable intelligence and knowledge. Our modern BI services use a combination of business analytics, data mining, data visualization and industry best practices to give you a comprehensive view of our organization’s data.

    We enable your BI systems to provide a perfect foundation for scorecard and performance measurement support by storing data in a logical hierarchy and capturing operational data across multiple years and subjects.

    Industry-specific Business Intelligence Analytics & Consulting Services

    Retail & eCommerce

    1. Tracking customer preferences, Seasonality & RFM Analysis
    2. Demand prediction, trend & inventory analysis
    3. Customer segmentation
    4. SKU management
    5. Sales performance tracking and KPI Reporting

    Marketing & Advertising

    1. Customer Segmentation
    2. Visualization of marketing returns & spends
    3. Analysis of churn and customer retention
    4. Identifying customer behavior trends
    5. Insight mining and reporting

    Finance & Banking

    1. Visualization of KPIs and Performances
    2. Customer profitability & risk management analysis
    3. Financial forecasting & budget tracking
    4. Analysis of investment & expense strategies
    5. Sentiment analysis & income trend detection

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